Sunday, 21 March 2010

Rainy Day

I woke up yesterday and thought


when I looked out of my wind0w. It was such a rainy and depressing day, and I had already planned to go out to Trentham Gardens and meet people...

Oooh Nooooo.

But, determined for my appearance not to be ruined by icky icky rain, I made an outfit to match my beige waterproof coat, which, admittedly, I tend to avoid wearing.

In fact, I believe the last time I wore it was bonfire night in November!

No I didn't really wear these GORGEOUS shoes from Topshop, although I very much wanted to. Western boots by Faith are much more suited to icky weather...

Wearing: Trilby hat:Primark. Shoes: Topshop. Boots: Faith. Tights: New Look. Scarf: Monsoon. Long sleeved T-shirt: New Look, Organic. Dress: Miss Selfridge. Bag: Primark. Coat: Olympus.

And here, an extra one just for fun, with a cream Trilby hat...
You've been hit by, a Smooth Criminal.

And that wasn't really my intention at the time!

Happy Experimenting!

Much love,

Emma xox


  1. Lmao, looks like fuuuuun :D
    Really love that hat, so cool. Is it new?
    I might wear my new prettiful outfit tomorrow, depending on weather, so you shall have to judge for me please....?
    Love yoooou

  2. Of course I'll judge for you, but I'm no expert!
    And no it's not new, nothing I blog about is really, the occasional item might be!
    Had the hat for about four years :P Hardly worn it :P

